Monday, August 2, 2010

The Lush Is Loose!

Lindsay Lohan was transported early Monday morning directly from a Lynwood jail — where she had served 13 days for violating probation on a 2007 conviction for driving under the influence — to a treatment program at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.
Lohan was kept away from other inmates for security reasons.  Lohan had been expected to serve about 13 days of a 90-day sentence ordered by Beverly Hills JudgeMarsha Revel. A reduction for good behavior, as well as a program to relieve jail crowding, shortened her sentence.
Lohan has completed an alcohol education program but was found in violation of probation because she did not attend classes regularly.  Despite a tough period adjusting to jail life, Lohan remained cooperative and became more subdued as days passed, according to law enforcement sources.

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