Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kanye's Today Show Interview Fallout

Earlier this week, Kanye West was a guest on the Today Show with Matt Lauer to discuss the comments he made towards George Bush in 2005 and why he now empathizes with him. After the interview, Kanye posted to his twitter account that Matt Lauer tried to force his answers in the interview by running audio of the MTV incident while he was talking:

I went up there to express how I was empathetic to Bush because I labeled him a racist and years later I got labeled as a racist…. While I was trying to give the interview they started playing the “MTV” under me with audio!!!!!!! I don’t mess with Matt Lauer or the Today Show and that’s a very nice way for me to put it! HE TRIED TO FORCE MY ANSWERS. IT WAS VERY BRUTAL AND I CAME THERE WITH ONLY POSITIVE INTENT.
The Today Show has released the video interview and before that segment of the clip, Matt Lauer responds to Kanye’s tweets by explaining that they often run video of the specific moment in question while the guests are talking. “It’s something that we do everyday. There was nothing improper or unusual about it whatsoever”. He then plays the rest of the video where Kanye asks:
“How am I suppose to talk if you are going to run this thing while I’m talking? Please don’t let that happen again. That’s ridiculous.”
Despite his distaste with how the interview was handled, Kanye West is scheduled to return to the Today Show on the Friday after Thanksgiving for a performance on the plaza.

Random Observation: I always thought that they added the footage or audio during editing, not while the guest was on (unless it was for a live show). I learn something new every day.

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