Friday, August 20, 2010

Another Reason I F*cks With: Wiz Khalifa

If you were tuned into Drake’s Ustream session last night, you’ll recall Aubrey reaching out to Wiz Khalifa and asking him to join in on his Light Dreams & Nightmares tour. And while he respects Drake and is honored to be on his radar, herespectfully declined so that he can continue to build his own brand.

Just the fact of cuz even extending his hand and me being on his radar is tight, to me. It just lets me know that I’m doin’ what I need to be doin’ as far as stayin’ relevant and stayin’ poppin’. But I think to keep me poppin and keep me relevant I gotta stay buildin’ on top of what I’m doin’ and what I been doin’. No disrespect to cuz or anybody else who might wanna see me do some more collaborative things, but to keep buildin’ and keep my brand as strong as what it is, I gotta keep focusin’ on what it is. This is my first tour that I got comin’ up, the Waken Baken tour, I gotta at least kick that off and make that it what it is so we can do ten more.

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